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Dear Lover,

As I was wandering about today, I got thinking about these letters I've written to you. And it occurred to me that it would be awesome if, after finally meeting you, I found out you were writing similar letters to me. After all, I've put a lot of time into thinking about what I'd like you to be like, and it only seems fair that you should be given the chance to express your hopes about what I'm like.

Unfortunately, I can't write those letters for you. But it seems appropriate to me to take this time to write you not about what I hope to find in you, but what I can promise you will find in me. After all, it's only fair.

The first thing that I can promise you is fidelity. I believe in commitments. I believe they're the center of any healthy love relationship. I'm not one that is going to fly the first time there's a small hiccup in our relationship. Nor am I the kind to be on the lookout for the "bigger better deal." When I know that I'm with you, I fully intend to stay with you. (I'd be crazy not to.)

When the problems do come (and let's face it, all relationships have their problems), I promise to work with you to find solutions rather than playing the blame game. There are few (if any) obstacles that two dedicated people cannot overcome one way or another, and I'm ready to do my part to find the way to overcome every last obstacle.

I promise to be sensitive to your needs and feelings. That's not to say I won't goof up from time to time, but I promise that I will listen, and do my best to respect and honor both your feelings and needs, and fulfill them whenever I reasonably can.

When I'm upset, I promise to try my best to handle the situation and my feelings in a mature way. I will also talk it over with you rather than making you play "guess what's annoying Jarred now." After all, it's best for both of us if we talk these things over.

I also offer to share my love of life and all the joys and pleasures it has to offer with you. Relationships are hard work, but I promise to do all I can to make sure that you find it all well worth your effort.

There are many more things I can offer you, Lover. And I anxiously await to share them with you. And by all means, if there's something I haven't mentioned, please let me know. After all, if your my perfect lover, I must be yours, too.


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on June 18, 2006 5:32 PM.

The previous post in this blog was Learning from disappointment.

The next post in this blog is Love means getting hurt.

Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.